Join my Reader’s List to Unlock Your Free L. E. Henderson Starter Library.
As a member you will get my free starter library.
I will send three ebook singles, which are books you can read in a single sitting, in 45 minutes or less. Plus an excerpt from my novel Paw.
You will also get occasional additional book excerpts, cover reveals, and other exclusive content.
I would love to have you as a member. I hope to hear from you soon!
-L. E.
I solemnly promise never to spam you or sell your information.

A Note to my Readers:
For many years I was wary of sharing my stories with anyone. My imagination was an attic, full of ghosts and shadows, where only I was allowed to go. Maybe it did have cobwebs and dusty corners, but it was my attic—all mine!
But then I got lonely—the ghosts were not the best company—so I ventured to publish a few things, and I made an important discovery: I like visitors.
But if I wanted my visitors— the readers—to return, I had to make my attic more festive and less drafty.
Without you, the Reader, I get lazy, and my attic gets untidy. You give me a reason to dust the cardboard boxes, light a few candles and clear the cobwebs from the ceiling beams.
If my writing is good it’s because you give me a reason to make it so. Otherwise I’m just a recluse singing creepy lullabies in a cobwebbed nook.
This is one of the many reasons I appreciate you.
Still, I’m wary of letting just anyone into my attic.
But if you are the sort of person who enjoys reading my books, I’m inclined to like you.
I invite you to sign up for my email list and get my free starter library.
You will receive a short story collection, plus 4 singles, which are books that you can read in a 45 minutes or less.
- You will also get:
Updates on my new books - Special offers
- Cover reveals
- Exclusive art
- A chance to be on my advanced reader list
I hope you join.
Meanwhile, I’ll be working to keep the candles lit, the cobwebs cleared, and the vampire bats outdoors where they belong.