
September 2014

The Aliens Do Laundry (A parable about first contact with a coy alien species)

The day humanity discovered that it was not alone in the universe, the world rejoiced. At least most of it did. There were orations and celebrations and irate pulpit sermons, and military mobilization, and fear. The news had lifted everyone from personal concerns, dull jobs, and tepid sit-coms as they contemplated all the beauty and

The Aliens Do Laundry (A parable about first contact with a coy alien species) Read More »

“Your writing is not what we are looking for.” Why I do not want it to be:

I remember this wall. It is the agents-and-editors-are-busy-people-who-get-swamped-with-submissions wall. I learned about this wall when, right out of college, I sent out a bundle of hopeful article submissions and they, all except for one, bounced against the hard brick surface. I finally did get published and paid. But exhaustion dampened the thrill. The reward was

“Your writing is not what we are looking for.” Why I do not want it to be: Read More »

Using the Psychology of Resistance for Vivid Narrative Writing

Resistance is basic to living. So basic that when you touch something, the electrons in your hand repel the electrons of the touched surface. When you push an object, it pushes back: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is one reason resistance creates a sense of realism in fiction. Writing

Using the Psychology of Resistance for Vivid Narrative Writing Read More »

Why do I not “talk myself out of” my bipolar moods?

“You are not even trying to feel better.\” “I have bipolar disorder. It is not about trying\” “Yeah, but you take medication for it now. Just explain to yourself. Tell yourself why your feelings are irrational and they\’ll go away.\” Irrational. The word stings. I like to think I am rational. I even included the

Why do I not “talk myself out of” my bipolar moods? Read More »

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