
I just released “Becoming the Story and Other Tales” for the Kindle

What if you could write your way into a better life? What if you could invent yourself as you would a fictional character? In my new e-book released on Amazon, one of my characters does.

My short story collection,  Becoming the Story and Other Tales, is a mix of science fiction, fantasy, and personal prose. The book mostly grew from many weekends of short story writing. Those who have been following my blog will see stories familiar to them, but I have also added new ones.

In one of them a cat who has mysteriously turned human becomes even more confused when she runs into a Christian determined to save her soul. In another, two fifth grade girls forced to play kickball begin to challenge the rules and take control of the game, which they view as a deplorable metaphor for life.

To check out my new collection, go to http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Story-Other-Tales-Henderson-ebook/dp/B00QG5Y5JU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418658328&sr=8-1&keywords=Becoming+the+Story+and+Other+Tales

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